Electroplating plays a big role in manufacturing. This method adds a layer of metal onto a base material to enhance a product’s appearance or durability.

For companies that offer electroplating services, having the ability to do both plastic and metal fabrication in-house can be a real game-changer.

In-House Plastic and Metal Fabrication to Maximize Efficiency

Two key advantages of in-house plastic and metal fabrication are the ability to:

  • Create specialized tooling for reel-to-reel plating
  • Make “on the fly” repairs when needed

Reel-to-reel plating involves feeding stamped parts through the plating bath on a continuous strip or reel. This requires custom tooling, which holds the parts securely as they move through the process to ensure even plating coverage and a consistent finish.

By having in-house fabrication capabilities, it allows electroplating companies to:

  • Design and manufacture these tooling components quickly and efficiently
  • Reduce the time and cost associated with outsourcing these tasks to a third party
Milling a Slot in a Masking Belt
Masking Belt in Use

Masking Belts for Plating

Additionally, in-house fabrication supports the manufacturing of masking belts for selective plating. During this process, only certain areas of a part are plated, while others are left uncoated.

When it comes to selective plating, masking belts are key. They are specially designed to cover certain areas during the plating process. By creating masking belts on-site, companies can easily customize them to fit specific parts, resulting in more accurate and efficient plating.

Working with an Industrial Plating Company

Having in-house fabrication capabilities also means faster turnaround times. Instead of waiting on an outside shop, companies can design and produce the tools and masking parts they need internally, allowing them to start the process sooner and finished products out the door quicker.

This not only improves customer satisfaction but also gives companies a competitive edge in the market by offering better response times for their services.

The benefits of having in-house fabrication are undeniable. From creating specialized tooling for reel-to-reel plating to manufacturing masking belts for selective plating, in-house fabrication can:

  • Streamline operations
  • Improve efficiency
  • Reduce lead times
  • Improve plating service quality

By investing in these capabilities, electroplating companies can stay ahead of the competition and meet the evolving needs of their customers in the manufacturing industry.